Mendenhall Village Architectural Change Request Form (Download)

All Architectural Change Requests must be submitted on the MVHA Architectural Change Request Form above.

Any changes to the exterior of the residence (windows, roof, doors, exterior colors, extensive changes to landscaping, etc) must be submitted and approved by the Architectural Board.

All requests must be submitted in writing by U.S. mail to the following address. Your request must Include your name, address, day & evening phone number, and a description of the requested changes. If applicable, include any architectural drawings, material samples, or color samples.

Mail Requests To:

Mendenhall Village Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 332
Hockessin, DE 19707


E-mail to: [email protected]

If you submitted a request and it has been over 30 days, contact us at 302-234-3979 to check on the status of your request.

Please Note: All items submitted will be kept on file and not returned.  We will not accept requests by telephone.

Replacing the Windows in Your Town Home?
Deed restrictions require that windows not be white on the exterior and must contain grids. However, if you prefer white on the interior and are still looking for maintenance free windows click on the link below. We have found a manufacture that offers windows with beige exterior with white interior or beige exterior with beige interior.

Looking to Paint your Town Home?
Deed restrictions require the use of specific colors for your residence. Sherwin Williams is the approved supplier for Mendenhall Village. If you experience a problem locating the correct color please contact us at 302-234-3979.

Approved Paint Colors (PDF)